Saturday, August 15, 2020

API Versioning with Swagger, Azure API Manager and ASP.NET Core — An Introduction

 API versioning has no “right way” and I am fairly convinced that API evolution is usually a better option for both API authors and clients of those APIs. Evolving APIs smoothly without breaking any existing clients and making it easy for them to consume new features seems like the best of both worlds. GraphQL, for example, chooses API evolution over versioning.

ASP.NET API Versioning

One of the best ways to version a .NET API is to go to aspnet-api-versioning repo and use a package that’s suitable to your Web API version. These packages make it very easy and elegant to introduce versioning semantics to an API.

Azure API Manager

Azure API Management is an API Gateway Service in its essence but it can do a lot of things when properly configured. For organizations that are creating and managing large number of APIs, Azure API Manager can serve as a central point of discovery and governance.

Open API Specification & Swagger

The OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as the Swagger Specification, comes with a set of tools & libraries that help API developers to document their APIs.

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