Monday, September 14, 2020

Running Azure Functions in a Docker Container: A Beginner’s Guide


A Brief Introduction to the Technologies

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Fine but.. why using them together?

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npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools

Creating our first app

First of all, you will need to create a folder (or use an existing one). This folder is where we will create our Function App.

func init --docker
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Image 1.1
Image for post
Image 1.2
func new
Image for post
Image 1.3
Image for post
Image 1.4
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Image 1.5
docker build -t <imageName> .
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Image 2.1
docker images
Image for post
Image 2.2
docker run  -p <port> <imageName>
Image for post
Image 2.3
Image for post
Image 3.1
Image for post
Image 3.2

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