Thursday, June 25, 2020

Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services - Introduction

architecture, enterprise integration patterns, azure integration services, azure ipaas

message in bottle

In the past, architecting and building integration solutions was a task that only specialised developers and architects were able to do. The tools and skills were considered niche and not every developer was able to build a manageable integration solution. Now, with the available new low-code integration platforms, you can build integration solutions with a few clicks and without much experience. However, knowing how to use these tools does not necessarily mean understanding how to apply them effectively to provide the functionality, resilience, robustness and manageability required by mission-critical enterprise distributed applications.

Fifteen years ago, Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf published the book Enterprise Integration Patterns which documents design patterns for messaging-based integration solutions, independently from their technology implementation.

The Azure Integration Services, are a set of platforms on Azure that allow you to build Integration Solutions, including Logic Apps, API Management, Service Bus, Event Grid and complemented with Azure Functions and Azure Monitor.

In this series of posts, we’ll explore the Enterprise Integration Patterns, and how they can be implemented using the Azure Integration Services. This series is designed to help solution architects, system integrators, and application developers to think in advanced of the challenges they need to solve so that they can design and connect applications leveraging these patterns while using the Azure Integration Services suite.

This post is part of a series of posts outlined below:

The remaining posts will be published in the following weeks / months. 

Introduction to Enterprise Integration Patterns

00 EIP Banner

Gartner has recently coined the term “Citizen Integrator” referring to business users who have started leveraging these new low-code integration tools and platforms to build integration tasks. Developers and Citizen Integrators alike can now quickly build cloud-native integration solutions with these tools. Nevertheless, they can easily get into trouble if the requirements start to get a bit more complex and they don’t do things appropriately.

Software Design Patterns document knowledge and expertise translated into templates that can be used to solve common challenges when designing a solution. Fifteen years ago, Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf published the book Enterprise Integration Patterns which documents design patterns for messaging-based integration solutions, independently from their technology implementation. At that time, the tools were not as mature as they are today. However, having new tools does not mean that the integration challenges have changed in essence. Most of these patterns are still relevant nowadays on cloud-native solutions. Probably the main difference is that many of these patterns might be out-of-the-box features on many of the available platforms, so you don’t need to worry about their low-level implementation.

That book focuses on integration patterns based on asynchronous messaging. However, the authors mention that there are other three integration styles.

  • File Transfer, which is common in solution using Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) implementations.
  • Shared Database, in which multiple applications use the same database.
  • Remote Procedure Invocation. In this style, when an application requires information that is maintained in other application, then it requests it directly. Similarly, if an application wants to update data of another, then it makes the corresponding request. While this integration style is still very relevant, the technologies to implement it have evolved over the years, in the Microsoft world from COM to .NET Remoting, to SOAP Web Services to REST Web APIs and most recently to gRPC. Additionally, a middle layer has been introduced to minimise the coupling between requesting and serving applications. In the HTTP world, this is usually achieved with API Gateways. Azure API Management is the Azure Integration Services’ offering for API mediation.
  • Messaging, in which asynchronous messages are exchanged between applications in a frequent and reliable manner. Messaging solves some of the challenges of Remote Procedure Invocation, by not requiring both systems to be up and running at the same time. This integration style is the one explored in the book and the focus of this series of posts.

It is worth mentioning that these authors have been working on new Messaging patterns focusing on conversational and stateful scenarios. These conversations can happen through asynchronous queue-based messaging or via direct synchronous calls.

If you want to build manageable, robust and resilient enterprise-grade enterprise messaging integration solutions, you must be aware of the Enterprise Integration Patterns to make sure you are making the best use of the available technologies to solve the functional and technical challenges.

Azure Integration Services Overview

The Azure Integration Services, is the set of services and platforms on Azure that we can leverage to develop, implement and manage enterprise-class integration solutions. The figure below, shows the different capabilities of an iPaaS, and which component of the Azure Integration Services we can use to implement them. You can find more details in this post.

 01 Azure Integration Services


Challenges tackled by the Enterprise Integration Patterns

While creating the blueprints of integrations solutions, it is not uncommon that some challenges or requirements are initially missed or that existing proven approaches are not considered. That’s why being aware and understanding the Enterprise Integration Patterns is key to successfully architect and implement enterprise-grade integration solutions.

The following sections describe some of these common challenges and what patterns try to address them. Challenges and patterns are grouped by the root patterns and are detailed in tables.

(*) There are some patterns that are not described in the book, but architects and developers are using them when building enterprise integration solutions. Those patterns are marked with an asterisk (*)

How to Construct a Message?

10 Construction

These are common questions we need to answer when defining the structure and content of our messages, some of these are detailed in the table below. The patterns that tackle these challenges are the Message Construction patterns.



How do we define and structure my messages? What data should I include?

Document Message

Event Message

Command Message

Query Message (*)

How do we shape the content of our message? Should the content and structure be coupled to an application context? Or decoupled from applications and defined to cover an organisation or industry domain?

Message Model (*)

What data should we include as metadata for messages to be routed, processed, grouped or tracked as required?

Message Header (*)

How can we define messages that support two-way communication between different applications?


How do we instruct a receiver application that a response is to be sent to a particular endpoint?

Return Address

When there is a two-way communication via messaging, how can we correlate a response to the corresponding request?

Correlation Identifier

How can we identify when messages are to be processed as part of a group and in a particular sequence?

Message Sequence

How can we define a valid lifespan of a message?

Message Expiration

How can we defer a message to be processed after a certain point in time?

Message Activation (*)

How can we inform the receiver application the format a message is structured in? How can we support multiple versions of a message structure?

Format indicator

How to transport the messages between applications?

11 Channels

Once we have decided that we are going to integrate applications using asynchronous messaging, we need to define what channels to use to transport those messages. When defining the channels, we would have some questions to answer and might face some challenges described below. The Messaging Channels patterns help us to define and implement this aspect of our solution.



Shall we implement a direct interface between the sender application and the receiver application? Or shall the sender be unaware of potential receiver applications?

Point-to-Point Channel

Publish-Subscribe Channel

How is the receiver application meant to receive the message? Does it need to pull the message from the channel, or should the channel push the message to it?

Push-Pull Channel (*)

Push-Push Channel (*)

How do we define a channel in a way that receivers know how to process a message?

Datatype Channel

How do we manage invalid messages going through the channel?

Invalid Message Channel

Where do we store messages when they cannot longer be processed by the intended receiver?

Dead-Letter Channel

How do we make sure a message is delivered to the intended receiver?

Guaranteed Delivery

When implementing Guaranteed Delivery, how do we make sure that retries don’t have a negative impact on the intended receiver’s health or performance?

Circuit Breaker (*)

How do we reduce the complexity of sending messages to a particular channel?

Channel Adapter

How can we connect multiple applications so that they can communicate via messaging in a decoupled and organised manner?

Message Bus

When using disparate Message Channels, how can we connect the two?

Messaging Bridge

How to connect Applications to Message Channels?

12 Endpoints

It is very important to understand how we are going to connect applications to the messaging channels. The following challenges are addressed by the Messaging Endpoints patterns.



How do we reduce the complexity of receiving or sending messages to a particular application?

Application Adapter (*)

How can we reduce the complexity of connecting a messaging channel to an application?

Messaging Gateway

How do we map and serialise an applications domain object in the database into a meaningful independent message?

Messaging Mapper

How do we implement transactions so that messages are not lost in the process of sending or receiving a message to or from a channel?

Transactional Client

How can messages be consumed based on the readiness of the consumer?

Polling Consumer

How can messages be consumed as soon as they are available?

Event-Driven Consumer

How can we process multiple messages at a time with multiples workers on the receiver application?

Competing Consumers

How can we control how many messages are processed at a given time based on the receiver requirements or capacity?

Throttled Consumer (*)

Singleton Consumer (*)

How can a receiver application select which messages to consume?

Selective Consumer

How can different consumers receive messages in a coordinated and selective way from a single channel

Message Dispatcher

How can receiver applications avoid missing messages while they are not online or listening to the channel?

Durable Subscriber

How can a receiver application deal with duplicate or stale messages?

Idempotent Receiver
Message Deduplication (*)
Stale Message (*)

How can sender or receiver application restrict the time when they can send or receive messages to or from the channel?

Service Window (*)

How can a receiver application consume messages received via both asynchronous messaging and synchronous channels?

Service Activator

How to route messages to the intended channel or receiver application?

13 Routing

Routing a message to the corresponding channel or the intended receiver application has some challenges that we need to solve. The table below describes some of them and the Message Routing patterns that could help to address them.



How can we perform different complex processing steps while maintaining some level of decoupling and flexibility?

Pipes and Filters

How can we pass messages to different filters, components or receivers depending on a set of conditions?

Message Router

How do we implement dynamic routing based on the content or headers of a message?

Content-Based Routing

How can we avoid non-relevant messages to be delivered?

Message Filter

How can we validate whether a message is valid? 

Message Validation (*)

How can we maintain a dynamic configuration on the routing rules based on the receivers needs?

Dynamic Router

How can we let the message define the list of receivers?

Recipient List

How can we process messages which are composed of multiple elements which require its own processing?


How can we combine different messages into a larger message?

Aggregator (Batching)

How can we get out-of-sequence related messages back into sequence?


How to process a message composed of multiple elements, which require a coordinated but different handling?

Composed Message Processor

How to process messages which are to be sent to multiple receivers, for each of which we need to receive and process and response? 


How do we handle a message which is to be sent for processing to different steps when the sequence is defined at runtime?

Routing Slip

How do we route a message through different processing steps when these are not sequential?

Process Manager

How to avoid point-to-point integrations by decoupling senders and receivers while maintaining a centralised control of the message routing?

Message Broker

How can we process messages when different formats are required?

14 Transformation

Once we know how messages are constructed and how are to be routed, we might need to transform a message from a proprietary format to a canonical format or to another proprietary format. This transformation also has some challenges, some of these are described in the table below and Message Transformation patterns that can help to alleviate these challenges are suggested.



How to interchange information between different systems when they all use different formats and structures?

Message Translator

How can we add metadata to a message body when it is required by the messaging channels or processors?

Envelope Wrapper

How do we satisfy a receiver application data requirements when not all the fields are available in the original system produced by the sender?

Content Enricher

How do we simplify a message when the original message is too complex or large for the intended receiver application?
How do we remove sensitive data fields that are not intended for a receiver application?

Content Filter

How can we transfer large messages when the messaging channel has some size limits?

How do we reduce the bandwidth requirements to interchange large messages between components while making the whole message available?

Compression/Decompression (*)

How do we standardise messages that contain same business information represented in different formats?


How can you minimise coupling between applications that interchange messages when they use different message formats or structures?

Canonical Data Model

How can we secure the message content when sensitive data could be captured by a man-in-the-middle attack?

Encryption/Decryption (*)

How do we manage the integration platform and solution? 

15 Management

Operating Integrations Solutions is usually not an easy task which brings some interesting challenges that should be considered up front. The table below describes some of these challenges and the Platform Management patterns that can be used to address them.



How can we manage integration solutions that leverage multiple platforms and deployed across multiple regions?

Control Bus

How could we control the series of steps messages are to go through based on external factors to maximise the manageability and operability of the solution?


How can you inspect messages that are being processed through a particular step or messaging channel?

Wire Tap 

How can you trace and analyse messages that are being processed across multiple service and components?

Message History / Message Store

How can you be aware of messages that could not be processed, and potentially fix them, to then resubmit them?

Manual Resubmission / Fix and Repair (*)

How can you track that an expected reply message has been received for a particular request?

Smart Proxy

How can you test the health of a messaging solution end-to-end in production without unexpected side effects?

Test Message

How can we remove stale messages from a channel?

Channel Purger

How can we get notified when the platform is not performing as expected?

Alerts and Notifications (*)

Wrapping Up

In this post I have discussed many of the different challenges we can face when architecting and implementing enterprise messaging-based integration solutions and the integration patterns which offer us documented knowledge and templates that can be leveraged to face these challenges. These patterns are technology agnostic and were originally defined more than 15 years ago; however, given that the challenges we face today are very similar, if not the same, to those described at that time, these patterns are still very relevant in messaging-based distributed solutions.

I also gave a very brief introduction of the Azure Integration Services. In the following posts of this series, I’ll cover these enterprise integration patterns in more detail and briefly describe how to implement them using the Azure Integration Services suite to build cloud-native integration. Stay tuned for the following posts of this series

Azure Cloud Design Patterns

Cloud applications have a unique set of characteristics. They deal with unpredictable workloads, run on commodity hardware, and provide services to untrusted users. These factors impose a range of problems. When building and designing applications for the cloud you need to overcome a lot of challenges, like working with configuration, authentication, and authorization.

Apart from being user-friendly, your applications must also be resilient so that they can recover from failures, secure to protect services from malicious attacks, and elastic in order to respond to an ever-changing workload. Design patterns help you address these challenges and solve the problems you might encounter in many different areas of cloud application development.

A design pattern is a solution, that can be used repeatedly, to address a commonly occurring problem in software design. It is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code rather it is a template or a guideline for solving a problem that can be used in many different situations.

Cloud design patterns are useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud. Each pattern for Azure discusses the design considerations and contains code samples or snippets to explain how it can be implemented on Microsoft Azure. Most of the design patterns can be used for any distributed system, whether hosted on Azure or on other cloud platforms.

Categories of Azure Design Patterns
The design patterns are majorly grouped into eight categories based on the faced in cloud development:

Availability is referred to the proportion of time that the system is working and fully functional. It is usually measured as a percentage of uptime. Availability can get negatively impacted by system errors, system load, infrastructure problems, and malicious attacks.

Data Management
Being the key element of cloud applications, Data management influences most of the quality attributes of the cloud apps. In today’s era of distributed systems, data is typically hosted across multiple servers, and in different locations to improve performance, scalability or availability. This, by virtue of its nature, can pose a range of challenges. Therefore, design patterns for such challenges typically address problems related data consistency, data organization, data synchronization, etc.

Design and Implementation
Good design takes into consideration several factors such as coherence and consistency in component design and deployment, maintainability to simplify administration and development, and reusability to allow components to be used in other applications and scenarios. Decisions taken during the design and implementation phase can hugely impact the quality and the total cost of ownership of cloud-hosted applications and services.

Cloud applications are mostly distributed in nature that requires a messaging infrastructure which can connect the components and services to maximize scalability. Asynchronous messaging is the commonly used infrastructure. However, it also brings many challenges such as the poison message management, ordering of messages, idempotency, etc. Therefore, standardized design patterns come into play to solve the problems that arise due to the messaging infrastructure.

Management and Monitoring
Cloud applications run in a remote datacenter. As a result, you do not have full control of the infrastructure or, in some cases, the operating system, which makes management and monitoring difficult than an on-premises deployment. Therefore, applications need to expose runtime information that administrators and operators can use to manage and monitor the system, as well as facilitating and supporting changing business requirements without requiring the application to be stopped or redeployed.

Performance and Scalability
Performance indicates the responsiveness of a system to execute any action within a given period of time, while scalability determines the ability of a system to handle increased load without impact on performance. Variable workloads and peaks in activity are typical of cloud applications and hence they demand design patterns that can keep them ready to scale out and and scale in to meet troughs and crests in demand.

Resiliency is the capacity of a system to recover quickly from failures. The multi-tenant cloud hosted applications use shared platform services, run on commodity hardware, compete for resources and bandwidth, and communicate over the Internet, which means there is an increased chance of both transient and more permanent faults. Hence, detecting failures, and recovering rapidly and efficiently, is essential to maintain resiliency.

Security is a critical element for cloud applications as it is essential to prevent malicious or accidental attempts outside of the designed usage, and to prevent disclosure of information or data breaches. By nature, cloud applications are exposed on the Internet outside trusted on-premises boundaries and often serve untrusted users. Therefore applications need to be designed and deployed in a way that protects sensitive data, restricts access to only approved users, and protects them from malicious attacks.

Cloud Design Patterns
Now that we know the importance and categories of Azure cloud design patterns, let’s have a look at the core thematic list of 24 Microsoft Azure cloud design patterns:

  1. Cache-Aside – Loads data on demand into a cache from a data store.
  2. CQRS – Segregates operations that read data from operations used to update data by using separate interfaces.
  3. Circuit Breaker – Handles failures or faults that take a variable amount of time to fix when connecting to a remote service or resource.
  4. Compute Resource Consolidation – Consolidates multiple operations or tasks into a single computational unit.
  5. Compensating Transaction – Used to undo the work performed by a series of steps.
  6. Competing Consumers – Allows multiple concurrent consumers to process messages received on the same messaging channel.
  7. Event Sourcing – Records the full series of events that describe actions taken on data in a domain using an append-only store.
  8. Gatekeeper – This design pattern basically protects applications using a dedicated host instance that acts as a broker between the application and clients, validates requests, and passes requests and data between them.
  9. Federated Identity – Helps to delegate authentication to an external identity provider.
  10. External Configuration Store – Facilitates moving configuration information out of the application deployment package to a centralized location.
  11. Health Endpoint Monitoring – Implements functional checks in an application that can be accessed by external tools through exposed endpoints at regular intervals.
  12. Materialized View – Helps to generate prepopulated views over the data in one or more data stores.
  13. Index Table – Creates indexes over the frequently referenced fields in data stores.
  14. Leader Election – Elects one instance as the leader to manage and coordinate the actions performed by a collection of collaborating tasks in a distributed application.
  15. Valet Key – Uses a key or token which provides clients with restricted direct access to a specific resource or service.
  16. Pipes and Filters – This pattern lets you break down a complex processing task into a series of separate elements that can be reused.
  17. Throttling – This Azure design pattern controls the consumption of resources used by an entire service, an individual tenant, or an instance of an application.
  18. Priority Queue – As the name suggests, it prioritizes requests sent to services to ensure that higher priority requests are received and processed faster than those with a lower priority.
  19. Runtime Reconfiguration – Used to design an application to simplify its reconfiguration without the need of redeployment or restart.
  20. Sharding – This simply means dividing a data store into a set of horizontal partitions or shards.
  21. Queue-Based Load Leveling – Uses a queue that acts as a buffer between a task and a service to surface smooth intermittent heavy loads.
  22. Scheduler Agent Supervisor – This solution helps to coordinate among an array of actions across a distributed set of services and other remote resources.
  23. Retry – Allows an application to handle anticipated, temporary failures by retrying an operation that has previously failed.
  24. Static Content Hosting – As indicated by the name, this design pattern deploys static content to a cloud-based storage service so that the content can be delivered directly to the client.

Design patterns offer guidance and provide best practice solutions to the common problems faced during designing cloud-hosted applications. As you have seen, Azure Cloud Design Patterns are rich in useful content, therefore, a foundational knowledge of the design patterns will help you to design and build modern cloud-based applications seamlessly and with precision.

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