Saturday, June 13, 2020

MVC vs Flux vs Redux – The Real Differences

During web application development, we create solutions that address the customers’ needs and solve problems of businesses and users. To achieve this, different architecture patterns and technologies are used. For many years, application designs have revolved around the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. In the meantime, there have been a series of advanced frameworks like Flux and Redux, in the same vein, which helps you deal with complex applications. We are aware of the increased complexity in apps that multiplies due to the absence of effective design patterns in place. Here we have compared MVC vs Flux vs Redux to help you create effective, sensible and scalable application architecture.

Comparing MVC vs Flux vs Redux

1. Architecture





·   MVC – Model View Controller:

·  Architectural design pattern for developing UI


Application architecture designed to build client-side web apps.


·  Open-source JavaScript library used for creating the UI

·  It generally works with React & angular development.



MVC Architecture

MVC is well-known for its three-layer development architecture and it divides applications into three components:

  • Model: Maintains the data and behavior of an application
  • View: Displays the model in the UI
  • Controller: Serves as an interface between view & model componentsMVC Architecture

Whenever the controller receives the request from the user, it uses the appropriate Model & View and generates the response sending it back to the user.

Flux Architecture

After learning a few highlights regarding the instability and complexity of the MVC architecture, the Facebook development team made some important changes in the system and released Flux as an alternative to MVC architecture. The Flux architecture is based on the following components:

  • Store/ Stores: Serves as a container for the app state & logic
  • Action: Enables data passing to the dispatcher
  • View: Same as the view in MVC architecture, but in the context of React components
  • Dispatcher – Coordinates actions & updates to storesFlux Architecture

In the Flux architecture, when a user clicks on something, the view creates actions. Action can create new data and send it to the dispatcher. The dispatcher then dispatches the action result to the appropriate store. The store updates the state based on the result and sends an update to the view.

Redux Architecture

However, Dan Abramov felt that this architecture could be simpler. Consequently, Dan Abramov & Andrew Clark developed Redux in 2015.

Redux is a library, which implements the idea of Flux but in quite a different way. Redux architecture introduces new components like:

  • Reducer: Logic that decides how your data changes exist in pure functions
  • Centralized store: Holds a state object that denotes the state of the entire appRedux Architecture

In Redux architecture, application event is denoted as an Action, which is dispatched to the reducer, the pure function. Then reducer updates the centralized store with new data based on the kind of action it receives. Store creates a new state and sends an update to view. At that time, the view was recreated to reflect the update.

2. Data Flow Direction





Follows the bidirectional flow


Follows the unidirectional flow



Follows the unidirectional flow



MVC-type implementation enforces bidirectional data flows, which differs from the unidirectional data flow maintained in Flux and Redux. In MVC, there is no single direction in an application that data flows in. Here, different parts of the system possess the authority to change state as well as state is decentralized throughout the app. For instance, consider a large application where you have a collection of models including the user, authentication, account, etc., and they are bundled with their own controllers and views. Here, it is difficult to track the exact location of a state since it is distributed across the application.

Flux and Redux don’t encourage bi-directional flow to ensure clean data flow architecture. The significant benefit of a unidirectional approach is that since the data flows through your application in a single direction you can have better control over it.

3. Single or Multiple Stores





No concept of store

Includes multiple stores


Includes single store



Flux uses ‘Stores’ to cache any application associated with data or state whereas MVC model attempts to model a single object. MVC doesn’t have the concept of the Store. The Store is more like a model in MVC, but it handles the state of several objects instead of just denoting a single database record. The primary difference of Flux vs Redux is that Flux includes multiple Stores per app, but Redux includes a single Store per app. Rather than placing state information in multiple Stores across the application, Redux keeps everything in one region of the app.

Why is Redux enforcing a single global store, you wonder? Consider your action uses multiple stores; there is the scope of forgetting to handle the action in certain stores. This causes an issue in application management. Also, it is hard to obtain an outline of what your state includes. Updates are another issue with multiple stores in Flux. These issues lead you to what a single centralized store in Redux offers. All the changes in Redux are made through a pure function called Reducers.

4. Where Business Logic resides?





Controller handles entire logic

Store handles all logic


Reducer handles all logic



In the computer application, domain logic or business logic is that part of the program which translates real-time business rules into how data can be created, stored, displayed as well as changed.

In MVC, the controller takes the responsibility of handling both the data and state of the application. It is responsible for the initial processing of the request, but business decisions should be done within the model.

Similarly, it is interesting to understand the business logic handling in Flux vs Redux. In Flux, the logic of changes in the data based upon the actions is mentioned in its appropriate Store. The Store in the Flux app also possesses the flexibility to decide what parts of your data to expose publicly. In Redux, on the other hand, the logic remains in the reducer function, which receives the previous state & one action, then returns the new state.

5. How Debugging is handled?





Debugging is difficult due to bidirectional flow

Ensures simple debugging with the dispatcher


Single store makes debugging lot easier



The bidirectional data flow between view and models makes it difficult to debug with MVC applications. On the other hand, the Flux architecture is particularly helpful for actions that include side effects like making the code clearer, updating other views and debug by new developers. Flux includes singleton dispatcher and all actions are passing through that dispatcher. This design defends hard-to-debug cascading updates.

Redux doesn’t have a dispatcher. You might be confused about how would Redux handles debugging, right?

In Redux, it is a lot easier to manage data and debug because the state of your entire app is maintained within a single Store. In addition, the state of all components depends on one object tree. It is possible to log all the actions that have been performed to get to a certain point. This empowers you to look at the application as a whole and debug easily. On top of this, it offers a great Live Code-Editing option with a time traveling debugging feature. This feature enables you to rewind and replay your debugging action.

6. Where can be used?





Shines well in both client and server-side frameworks

Supports client-side framework


Supports client-side framework



·         Front-end frameworks like  AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, Sprout, and Knockout

·         Back-end frameworks like  Spring, Ruby on Rails, Django, Meteor


Supports Front-end frameworks like  React, AngularJS, Vue.js, and Polymer


Supports Front-end frameworks like React, Vue.js, AngularJS, Ember, Backbone.js, Meteor, and Polymer


MVC is popular in both server-side and client-side frameworks. There is no shortage of front-end frameworks, which can support you to connect with MVC. AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, Sprout, and Knockout are a few examples. The MVC also shines on the backend frameworks or solutions like Spring, Ruby on Rails, Django, Meteor, etc. Flux and Redux, in contrast, are largely a front-end pattern. Flux addresses the problems of handling application state on the client-side. Hence, the front-end frameworks & libraries like Angular 2, Vue.js, and Polymer can all have a natural interaction with Flux.

When comparing the usability of Flux vs Redux, both score the same. But Redux is not just a state management library, it offers several benefits for your front-end apps, including ensuring data consistency, sharing data between components and providing templates for code organization. Redux is primarily associated with React, but it can work well with other libraries as well, including Vue.js, AngularJS, Ember, Backbone.js, Meteor, and Polymer.

Overall, these powerful design patterns make your apps UI attractive and usable. Consider all these comparisons between MVC vs Flux vs Redux and think what suits best for your project. It completely depends on the technologies you adopt, the aim of your application as well as the paradigm you like to use.

The Missing Introduction to Angular and Modern Design Patterns

Angular (aka Angular 2, 4, 5, 6…) is a new framework completely rewritten from the ground up, replacing the now well-known AngularJS framework (aka Angular 1.x).

More that just a framework, Angular should be considered as a whole platform which comes with a complete set of tools like its own CLIdebug utilities or performance tools.

Angular has been around for some time now, but I still get the feeling that it’s not getting the love it deserved, probably because of other players in the field like React or VueJS. While the simplicity behind these frameworks can definitely be attractive, they lack in my opinion what is essential when making big, enterprise-grade apps: a solid frame to lead both experienced developers and beginners in the same direction and a rational convergence of tools, patterns and documentation. Yes, the Angular learning curve may seems a little steep, but it’s definitely worth it.

Getting started


If you’re new to Angular you may feel overwhelmed by the quantity of new concepts to apprehend, so before digging into the documentation you may want to start with this progressive tutorial that will guide you step by step into building a complete Angular application.

AngularJS veteran

If you come from AngularJS and want to dig straight in the new version, you surely want to take a look at the AngularJS vs Angular quick reference.


Until you know the full Angular API by heart, you may want to keep this
cheatsheet that resumes the syntax and features on a single page at hand.

Style guide

Good news, there is an official Angular style guide written by the team.

More that just coding rules, this style guide also gives advices and best practices for a good application architecture and is an essential reading for starters. Reading deeper, you can even find many explanations for some design choices of the framework.


There is a lot to dig in Angular and some questions frequently bother people. In fact, most of unclear stuff seems to be related to modules, for example the dreaded “Core vs Shared modules” question.

The guys at Angular may have noticed that since you can now find a nice FAQ on their website] answering all the common questions regarding modules. Don’t hesitate to take a look at it, even if you think you are experienced enough with Angular 😉

Going deeper

Even though they are not mandatory, Angular was designed for the use of design patterns you may not be accustomed to, like reactive programmingunidirectional data flow and centralized state management.

These concepts are difficult to resume in a few words, and despite being tightly related to each other they concern specific parts of an application flow, each being quite deep to learn on its own.

You will essentially find here a list of good starting points to learn more on these subjects.

Reactive programming

You may not be aware of it, but Angular is now a reactive system by design. Although you are not forced to use reactive programming patterns, they make the core of the framework and it is definitely recommended to learn them if you want to leverage the best of Angular.

Angular uses RxJS to implement the Observable pattern.

An Observable is a stream of asynchronous events that can be processed with array-like operators.

From promises to observables

While AngularJS used to rely heavily on Promises to handle asynchronous events, Observables are now used instead in Angular. Even though in specific cases like for HTTP requests, an Observable can be converted into a Promise, it is recommended to embrace the new paradigm as it can do a lot more than Promises, with way less code. This transition is also explained in the Angular tutorial. Once you have made the switch, you will never look back again.

Learning references

Unidirectional data flow

In opposition with AngularJS where one of its selling points was two-way data binding which ended up causing a lot of major headaches for complex applications, Angular now enforces unidirectional data flow.

What does it means? Said with other words, it means that change detection cannot cause cycles, which was one of AngularJS problematic points. It also helps to maintain simpler and more predictable data flows in applications, along with substantial performance improvements.

Wait, then why does the Angular documentation have mention of a two-way binding syntax?

If you look closely, the new two-way binding syntax is just syntactic sugar to combine two one-way bindings (a property and event binding), keeping the data flow unidirectional.

This change is really important, as it was often the cause of performance issues with AngularJS, and it one of the pillars enabling better performance in new Angular apps.

While Angular tries to stay pattern-agnostic and can be used with conventional MV* patterns, it was designed with reactive programming in mind and really shines when used with reactive data flow patterns like
reduxFlux or MVI.

Centralized state management

As applications grow in size, keeping track of the all its individual components state and data flows can become tedious, and tend to be difficult to manage and debug.

The main goal of using a centralized state management is to make state changes predictable by imposing certain restrictions on how and when updates can happen, using unidirectional data flow.

This approach was first made popular with React with introduction of the Flux architecture. Many libraries emerged then trying to adapt and refine the original concept, and one of these gained massive popularity by providing a simpler, elegant alternative: Redux.

Redux is at the same time a library (with the big R) and a design pattern (with the little r), the latter being framework-agnostic and working very well with Angular.

The redux design pattern is based on these 3 principles:

  • The application state is a single immutable data structure
  • A state change is triggered by an action, an object describing what happened
  • Pure functions called reducers take the previous state and the next action to compute the new state

The core concepts behind these principles are nicely explained in this example (3 min).

For those interested, the redux pattern was notably inspired by The Elm Architecture and the CQRS pattern.

Which library to use?

You can make Angular work with any state management library you like, but your best bet would be to use NGXS or @ngrx. Both works the same as the popular Redux library, but with a tight integration with Angular and RxJS, with some nice additional developer utilities.

NGXS is based on the same concepts as @ngrx, but with less boilerplate and a nicer syntax, making it less intimidating.

Some resources to get started:

When to use it?

You may have noticed that most starter templates does not include a centralized state management system out of the box.
Why is that? Well, while there is many benefits from using this pattern, the choice is ultimately up to your team and what you want to achieve with your app.

Keep in mind that using a single central state for your app introduces a new layer a complexity that might not be needed, depending of your goal.

Optimizing performance

While the new Angular version resolves by design most of the performance issues that could be experienced with AngularJS, there is always room for improvements. Just keep in mind that delivering an app with good performance is often a matter of common sense and sane development practices.

Here is a list of key points to check for in your app to make sure you deliver the best experience to your customers:

After going through the checklist, make sure to also run an audit of your page through Lighthouse, the latest Google tool that gives you meaningful insight about your app performance, accessibility, mobile compatibility and more.

Keeping Angular up-to-date

Angular development is moving fast, and updates to the core libs and tools are pushed regularly.

Fortunately, the Angular team provides tools to help you follow through the updates:

  • npm run ng update allows you to update your app and its dependencies
  • The Angular update website guides you through Angular changes and migrations, providing step by step guides from one version to another.

Advanced Component Patterns Angular

Also, check out Advanced Angular Component Patterns on Egghead!

Titles subject to change

Introducing Advanced React Component Patterns00 Introducing Advanced Angular Component Patterns (egghead)
Build a Toggle Component (source)01 Build a Toggle Component (stackblitz) (egghead)
Write Compound Components (source)02 Write Compound Components (stackblitz) (egghead)
Make Compound React Components Flexible (source)02 Write Compound Components (stackblitz)
Make Enhanced React Components with Higher Order Components (source)03a Communicate Between Components Using Dependency Injection (stackblitz) (egghead) (egghead)
03b Enhance Components with Directives (stackblitz) (egghead)
Handling Prop Namespace Clashes with Higher Order Components (source)04 Avoid Namespace Clashes with Directives (stackblitz)
Improve Debuggability of Higher Order Components (source)N/A
Handle Ref Props with Higher Order Components (source)05 Handle Template Reference Variables with Directives (stackblitz)
Improve Unit Testability of Higher Order Components (source)Testing Directives - see Thoughtram's article
Handle Statics Properly with Higher Order Components (source)N/A
Use Render Props with React (source)06 Use <ng-template> (stackblitz) (egghead)
Use Prop Collections with Render Props (source)07 Use Content Directives (egghead)
Use Prop Getters with Render Props (source)08 Configure Content Directives (egghead)
Use Component State Initializers (source)09 Use State Initializers
Make Controlled React Components with Control Props (source)10 Use Control Inputs
Implement a React Context Provider (source)11 Compound Components with Services
Implement a Higher Order Component with Render Props (source)N/A
Re-render Descendants Through shouldComponentUpdateFinish (source)12 Re-render Descendants Through ChangeDetectorRef
Use Redux with Render Props (source)13 Use Ngrx with Directives

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