Saturday, April 11, 2020

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection Best Practices, Tips & Tricks

In this article, I will share my experiences and suggestions on using Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core applications. The motivation behind these principles are;
  • Effectively designing services and their dependencies.
  • Preventing multi-threading issues.
  • Preventing memory-leaks.
  • Preventing potential bugs.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with Dependency Injection and ASP.NET Core in a basic level. If not, please read the ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection documentation first.


Constructor Injection

Constructor injection is used to declare and obtain dependencies of a service on the service construction. Example:
public class ProductService
    private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;    public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
        _productRepository = productRepository;
    }    public void Delete(int id)
ProductService is injecting IProductRepository as a dependency in its constructor then using it inside the Delete method.
Good Practices:
  • Define required dependencies explicitly in the service constructor. Thus, the service can not be constructed without its dependencies.
  • Assign injected dependency to a read only field/property (to prevent accidentally assigning another value to it inside a method).

Property Injection

ASP.NET Core’s standard dependency injection container does not support property injection. But you can use another container supporting the property injection. Example:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;namespace MyApp
    public class ProductService
        public ILogger<ProductService> Logger { get; set; }        private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;        public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
            _productRepository = productRepository;            Logger = NullLogger<ProductService>.Instance;
        }        public void Delete(int id)
            _productRepository.Delete(id);            Logger.LogInformation(
                $"Deleted a product with id = {id}");
ProductService is declaring a Logger property with public setter. Dependency injection container can set the Logger if it is available (registered to DI container before).
Good Practices:
  • Use property injection only for optional dependencies. That means your service can properly work without these dependencies provided.
  • Use Null Object Pattern (as like in this example) if possible. Otherwise, always check for null while using the dependency.

Service Locator

Service locator pattern is another way of obtaining dependencies. Example:
public class ProductService
    private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository;
    private readonly ILogger<ProductService> _logger;    public ProductService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _productRepository = serviceProvider
          .GetRequiredService<IProductRepository>();        _logger = serviceProvider
          .GetService<ILogger<ProductService>>() ??
    }    public void Delete(int id)
        _logger.LogInformation($"Deleted a product with id = {id}");
ProductService is injecting IServiceProvider and resolving dependencies using it. GetRequiredService throws exception if the requested dependency was not registered before. On the other hand, GetService just returns null in that case.
When you resolve services inside the constructor, they are released when the service is released. So, you don’t care about releasing/disposing services resolved inside the constructor (just like constructor and property injection).
Good Practices:
  • Do not use the service locator pattern wherever possible (if the service type is known in the development time). Because it makes the dependencies implicit. That means it’s not possible to see the dependencies easily while creating an instance of the service. This is especially important for unit tests where you may want to mock some dependencies of a service.
  • Resolve dependencies in the service constructor if possible. Resolving in a service method makes your application more complicated and error prone. I will cover the problems & solutions in the next sections.

Service Life Times

There are three service lifetimes in ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection:
DI container keeps track of all resolved services. Services are released and disposed when their lifetime ends:
  • If the service has dependencies, they are also automatically released and disposed.
  • If the service implements the IDisposable interface, Dispose method is automatically called on service release.
Good Practices:
  • Register your services as transient wherever possible. Because it’s simple to design transient services. You generally don’t care about multi-threading and memory leaks and you know the service has a short life.
  • Use scoped service lifetime carefully since it can be tricky if you create child service scopes or use these services from a non-web application.
  • Use singleton lifetime carefully since then you need to deal with multi-threading and potential memory leak problems.
  • Do not depend on a transient or scoped service from a singleton service. Because the transient service becomes a singleton instance when a singleton service injects it and that may cause problems if the transient service is not designed to support such a scenario. ASP.NET Core’s default DI container already throws exceptions in such cases.

Resolving Services in a Method Body

In some cases, you may need to resolve another service in a method of your service. In such cases, ensure that you release the service after usage. The best way of ensuring that is to create a service scope. Example:
public class PriceCalculator
    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;    public PriceCalculator(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
    }    public float Calculate(Product product, int count,
      Type taxStrategyServiceType)
        using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
            var taxStrategy = (ITaxStrategy)scope.ServiceProvider
            var price = product.Price * count;
            return price + taxStrategy.CalculateTax(price);
PriceCalculator injects the IServiceProvider in its constructor and assigns it to a field. PriceCalculator then uses it inside the Calculate method to create a child service scope. It uses scope.ServiceProvider to resolve services, instead of the injected _serviceProvider instance. Thus, all services resolved from the scope is automatically released/disposed at the end of the using statement.
Good Practices:
  • If you are resolving a service in a method body, always create a child service scope to ensure that the resolved services are properly released.
  • If a method gets IServiceProvider as an argument, then you can directly resolve services from it without care about releasing/disposing. Creating/managing service scope is a responsibility of the code calling your method. Following this principle makes your code cleaner.
  • Do not hold a reference to a resolved service! Otherwise, it may cause memory leaks and you will access to a disposed service when you use the object reference later (unless the resolved service is singleton).

Singleton Services

Singleton services are generally designed to keep an application state. A cache is a good example of application states. Example:
public class FileService
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, byte[]> _cache;    public FileService()
        _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, byte[]>();
    }    public byte[] GetFileContent(string filePath)
        return _cache.GetOrAdd(filePath, _ =>
            return File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
FileService simply caches file contents to reduce disk reads. This service should be registered as singleton. Otherwise, caching will not work as expected.
Good Practices:
  • If the service holds a state, it should access to that state in a thread-safe manner. Because all requests concurrently uses the same instance of the service. I used ConcurrentDictionary instead of Dictionary to ensure thread safety.
  • Do not use scoped or transient services from singleton services. Because, transient services might not be designed to be thread safe. If you have to use them, then take care of multi-threading while using these services (use lock for instance).
  • Memory leaks are generally caused by singleton services. They are not released/disposed until the end of the application. So, if they instantiate classes (or inject) but not release/dispose them, they will also stay in the memory until the end of the application. Ensure that you release/dispose them at the right time. See the Resolving Services in a Method Body section above.
  • If you cache data (file contents in this example), you should create a mechanism to update/invalidate the cached data when the original data source changes (when a cached file changes on the disk for this example).

Scoped Services

Scoped lifetime first seems a good candidate to store per web request data. Because ASP.NET Core creates a service scope per web request. So, if you register a service as scoped, it can be shared during a web request. Example:
public class RequestItemsService
    private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _items;    public RequestItemsService()
        _items = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    }    public void Set(string name, object value)
        _items[name] = value;
    }    public object Get(string name)
        return _items[name];
If you register the RequestItemsService as scoped and inject it into two different services, then you can get an item that is added from another service because they will share the same RequestItemsService instance. That’s what we expect from scoped services.
But.. the fact may not be always like that. If you create a child service scope and resolve the RequestItemsService from the child scope, then you will get a new instance of the RequestItemsService and it will not work as you expect. So, scoped service does not always mean instance per web request.
You may think that you do not make such an obvious mistake (resolving a scoped inside a child's scope). But, this is not a mistake (a very regular usage) and the case may not be such simple. If there is a big dependency graph between your services, you can not know if anybody created a child's scope and resolved a service that injects another service… that finally injects a scoped service.
Good Practice:
  • A scoped service can be thought of as an optimization where it is injected by too many services in a web request. Thus, all these services will use a single instance of the service during the same web request.
  • Scoped services don’t need to be designed as thread-safe. Because they should be normally used by a single web-request/thread. But… in that case, you should not share service scopes between different threads!
  • Be careful if you design a scoped service to share data between other services in a web request (explained above). You can store per web request data inside the HttpContext (inject IHttpContextAccessor to access it) which is the safer way of doing that. HttpContext’s lifetime is not scoped. Actually, it’s not registered to DI at all (that’s why you don’t inject it, but inject IHttpContextAccessor instead). HttpContextAccessor implementation uses AsyncLocal to share the same HttpContext during a web request.


Dependency injection seems simple to use at first, but there are potential multi-threading and memory leak problems if you don’t follow some strict principles. I shared some good principles based on my own experiences during the development of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework.

A guide to caching in ASP.NET Core

This post looks at the various techniques available in ASP.NET Core for caching. We'll look at caching of data, partial pages and full pages at the server and client level and explain when to use each.

Why cache?

Caching adds some complexity to an application and as developers we must always be cautious when making our applications more complex so why bother with caching at all? A few reasons spring to mind:
Just to emphasise how much of a speed benefit you can achieve through caching, if your page requires database calls to render, then caching the page can sometimes be an order of magnitude faster. Even completely static MVC views, without any external calls are faster when cached.
Given all these benefits and the fact that it can be very easy to add caching to your sites, it makes it a very attractive proposition. You do have to be careful though and later in the article, we will discuss some of the problems that caching can introduce.

What to cache?

Choosing what to cache is highly dependent on application. Generally speaking, to maximize performance, we want to cache at the highest level we can get away with.
For assets such as CSS, JS and images, we should be aggressively caching at the browser level and a cache duration of a year or more is fairly standard.
For relatively static, non-personalised pages, we can cache the entire page at both client and server level.
If this is not possible, caching parts of a page can avoid unnecessary calls and help decrease response times.
At an even lower level, caching data to reduce calls to databases can be useful - particularly if the cached data is the result of multiple queries.
Generally speaking, many applications will use a combinations of the above techniques for different areas.

Where to cache?

It makes sense to instruct the web browser to cache pages that rarely change but it is important to be aware of the limitations of caching at the client.
Unlike server side caching, it is not possible to instruct the browser to invalidate cache entries. This means that we need to be very careful with cache durations. The current best practice advise is to use very high cache durations for static assets and simply change the filename if an update is necessary. Obviously this is not an option for web pages. We can hardly change the URL of published pages every time an update is required. Instead, for web pages, we need to set a much lower cache duration at the client and rely on the server to efficiently handle requests.
Using a CDN is beyond the scope of this article, but is always worth considering, especially given how easy it is to set up today.
We also need to think about how server-side caching works once we move beyond a single server instance. When you have a single server, in-memory caching is easy to set up and generally works perfectly well. Most commericial sites however run on multiple load-balanced servers and dealing with caching becomes significantly more complex.
You have two high-level choices to consider. Do you:
  • Maintain a discrete cache on every server
  • Use a centralised cache that each server accesses
The first option, although slightly faster, has too many negatives to be recommended as a general solution:
  • Discrepancies between caches can cause major headaches
  • It is difficult to invalidate cache entries
  • Wasted RAM filled with duplicated data
Using sticky sessions (server affinity) can help avoid some issues but if you have multiple web servers, I strongly recommend you use a distributed cache solution, for all but the simplest of cases (i.e. caching static lookup data).

Caching data with IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache

The lowest level of caching in ASP.NET Core that we are going to discuss is the caching of data using IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache. These interfaces are the standard, in-built mechanisms for caching data in .NET Core. All other techniques that we discuss later in the article rely on IMemoryCache or IDistributedCache internally.


IMemoryCache is very similar to the System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache cache from .NET 4.
The interface itself is rather minimal:
public interface IMemoryCache : IDisposable
    bool TryGetValue(object key, out object value);
    ICacheEntry CreateEntry(object key);
    void Remove(object key);
This only tells half the story though because there are multiple extension methods available which make the API much richer and easier to use:
public static class CacheExtensions
    public static TItem Get<TItem>(this IMemoryCache cache, object key);
    public static TItem Set<TItem>(this IMemoryCache cache, object key, TItem value, MemoryCacheEntryOptions options);

    public static bool TryGetValue<TItem>(this IMemoryCache cache, object key, out TItem value);
You can register IMemoryCache in ConfigureServices using:
If you are using MVC though then it will be automatically registered.
In either case, if you specify IMemoryCache in a component's constructor then it will get resolved along with the rest of the dependency graph.
The following code shows a naive example of using IMemoryCache to avoid hitting the database. The example returns a cached version of the data if available, else it queries the database, caches the data and returns the result:
public class BlahService
    private const string BlahCacheKey = "blah-cache-key";
    private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
    private readonly IDatabase _db;

    public BlahService(IMemoryCache cache, IDatabase db)
        _cache = cache;
        _db = db;
    public async Task<IEnumerable<Blah>> GetBlahs()
        if (_cache.TryGet(BlahCacheKey, out IEnumerable<Blah> blahs))
            return blahs;
        blahs = await _db.getAll<Blah>(...);
        _cache.Set(BlahCacheKey, blahs, ...);
        return blahs;
When saving to IMemoryCache, MemoryCacheEntryOptions provides you with many ways to expire cache content. Options include absolute expiry (a fixed time), sliding expiry (time since last accessed) and expiry based on a token which is a powerful technique for creating dependencies between cache items. There are also overloads of Set which allow you to choose an expiration time directly. Here are a few examples:
//absolute expiration using TimeSpan
_cache.Set("key", item, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

//absolute expiration using DateTime
_cache.Set("key", item, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1));

//sliding expiration (evict if not accessed for 7 days)
_cache.Set("key", item, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
    SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)

//use both absolute and sliding expiration
_cache.Set("key", item, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
    AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromDays(30),
    SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)

// use a cancellation token
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

var token = new CancellationChangeToken(tokenSource.Token);

_cache.Set("key", item, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions().AddExpirationToken(token));
When using cancellation tokens, you can store the CancellationTokenSource itself in the cache and access it when you need to. To evict all cache entries using tokens from a particular CancellationTokenSource, you can just call the Cancel method:
The documentation provides full details for all the options you can use with IMemoryCache.


For web farm scenarios, you will want to make use of IDistributedCache instead of IMemoryCache:
public interface IDistributedCache
    byte[] Get(string key);
    Task<byte[]> GetAsync(string key);

    void Set(string key, byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options);
    Task SetAsync(string key, byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options);

    void Refresh(string key);
    Task RefreshAsync(string key);

    void Remove(string key);
    Task RemoveAsync(string key);
The interface provides similar functionality to IMemoryCache but there are some notable differences:
  • Additional async methods
  • Refresh methods (which just reset sliding expirations without retrieving data as far as I can tell)
  • Byte based rather than object based (though extension methods add the ability to use string values)
This last change means that you will need to serialize any objects being stored yourself. The example below uses Json.NET for this:
public async Task SaveToCache<T>(string key, T item, int expirationInHours)
    var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);

    await _cache.SetStringAsync(key, json, new DistributedCacheEntryOptions
        AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromHours(expirationInHours)

public async Task<T> RetrieveFromCache<T>(string key)
    var json = await _cache.GetStringAsync(key);

    return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);
DistributedCacheEntryOptions offers absolute and sliding expiration much like MemoryCacheEntryOptions but token based expiration is absent. This makes adding cache dependencies much more of a challenge and you will need to roll your own implementation if you need this functionality.
There are three Microsoft implementations of the IDistributedCache interface currently available. These include a local, in-memory version ideal for development, plus Redis and SQL Server versions. Given that SQL Server is disk based rather than in-memory, I can't imagine many people opting for this version.
The local in-memory version of IDistributedCache is part of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory so is already brought in by the MVC package. If you should need to manually add it, you can use:
The Redis implementation is available in the Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis NuGet package. After referencing the NuGet, simply add the following to ConfigureServices:
services.AddDistributedRedisCache (option =>
    option.Configuration = "your connection string";
    option.InstanceName = "your instance name";

Caching partial pages with Tag Helpers

There is no doubt that caching of data can significantly speed up server responses but we can often go one step further and cache rendered page output rather than (or in addition to) raw data. Partial page caching is available using the built-in Caching Tag Helpers.

The cache tag helper

At it's simplest, you can wrap part of a view in cache tags to enable caching:
This results in that part of the page being cached for a default duration of 20 minutes.
Obviously caching an arbitrary part of the page is next to useless unless that part of the page is expensive to render. One obvious candidate for caching is a view component call. If you are not familiar with view components then you can think of them as more capable successors to child actions. They are very useful for secondary parts of the page such as sidebars. If your sidebar is dynamically generated from a database then caching the result can be extremely beneficial.
<cache expires-on="@TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600)">
    @await Component.InvokeAsync("BlogPosts", new { tag = "popular" })
The above example caches the blog posts view component for 10 minutes.
The cache tag helper allows you to vary the cache (i.e. create multiple separate copies) by many different criteria including headers, queries, routes, cookies and even users.
<cache expires-sliding="@TimeSpan.FromHours(1)" vary-by-user="true">
    ...user specific content...
I am not sure how well some of these options will scale on busy sites, but the cache tag helper is certainly very feature rich. See the docs for full details.

The distributed-cache tag helper

As with IMemoryCache, the Cache tag helper has a sibling for use in web farm situations where a distributed solution is required.
<distributed-cache name="key">
    @await Component.InvokeAsync("BlogPosts", new { tag = "popular" })
In use, the distributed cache tag helper is very similar to the in memory version. Other than the tag name change from cache to distributed-cache, the only notable difference is the requirement of a name attribute for the distributed version. This value is used to generate a key for the cache entry.
Internally, the tag helper uses the IDistributedCache outlined in the previous section. If you do not configure an IDistributedCache implementation in ConfigureServices then the in-memory version is used without any configuration necessary.

Caching full pages with response caching

The highest level of caching that we can make use of is caching of the entire page. Caching full pages in the browser results in the very minimum of server load and caching fully rendered pages on the server can also hugely reduce load and response times.
In .NET core, these two techniques are closely related. We have a ResponseCache attribute which is used to set cache headers and we have a ResponseCaching piece of middleware which can optionally be used to enable server side caching.

Caching in the browser

You can set cache headers manually using Response.Headers but the preferred approach for caching actions is to make use of the ResponseCache attribute which can be applied to both actions and controllers.
[ResponseCache(Duration = 3600)]
Duration is measures in seconds so the above attribute would cache the page in the browser for 3600 seconds or one hour.
Instead of specifying values for each instance of the attribute, we can also configure one or more cache profiles. Cache profiles are configured in ConfiguresServices when you add the MVC middleware:
services.AddMvc(options =>
    options.CacheProfiles.Add("Hourly", new CacheProfile()
        Duration = 60 * 60 // 1 hour
    options.CacheProfiles.Add("Weekly", new CacheProfile()
        Duration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 7 days
You can then reference the cache profile names in the ResponseCache attributes
[ResponseCache(CacheProfileName = "Weekly")]
You can also explicitly disable any caching with the following:
[ResponseCache(Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
Note that both Location and NoStore are required. NoStore returns the standard "cache-control: no-store" header but some older proxies do not understand this so Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None adds "no-cache" values to cache-control and pragma headers.

Caching at the server

As mentioned above, caching at the server uses a piece of middleware which reads the values set by the ResponseCache attribute and caches the page appropriately.
The response caching middleware is in a separate NuGet package so you will need to add a package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching in order to use it. Once installed, it can be added to the pipeline by adding the following to ConfigureServices:
The middleware takes the cache duration from the cache-control header set by the Response Cache attribute. It also respects the VaryByHeader option allowing you to cache multiple versions of the page. One common use for this would be to vary by Accept-encoding header so you can cache both gzipped and non-gzipped responses, plus any other compression algorithms you are using. This of course assumes that you are compressing within your application rather than at the reverse proxy level.
As well as the standard VaryByHeader option, you can use the ResponseCache attribute to specify a VaryByQuery value which is used exclusively by the server side response caching middleware. As you would expect, this causes the middleware to store additional response copies based on the query string values specified.


Server side response caching can provide astonishing gains in speed but it is important to be aware of the limitations of such an approach.
If you are caching fairly static content for anonymous users and the pages have no personalisation or forms then full-page caching is ideal. Unfortunately, this is rarely true and you will run into issues if you try to cache pages in these other situations.
In fact the built-in response caching middleware will not cache the page if any of the following are true:
  • The response code is not 200
  • The request method is not GET or HEAD
  • An Authorization header is present
  • A Set-Cookie header is present
In addition, using the Anti-CSRF features of MVC will override any explicit cache-control header you have set and replace it with "no-cache, no-store" resulting in your page not being cached. This is essential because this feature works by setting a cookie and embedding a form value so you do not want to cache these values.

Cache invalidation

One common approach to full page caching is to cache on the client for a short period of time and on the server for a much longer period. This technique relies on the fact that we can typically remove cache entries early on the server if necessary. This way we can effectively cache frequently accessed pages indefinitely and only invalidate the cache and store a new version if the page changes.
Unfortunately, the built-in response caching middleware makes this very difficult. Firstly, the same cache duration is used for both client and server caches. Secondly, currently there is no easy way to invalidate cache entries. This is a real shame and I hope it is something that will change. For now I ended up writing my own basic implementation which we will look at next time.

Caching JS, CSS, Images etc.

Images and other static files are served by adding the static files middleware. A typical registration in the Configure method of startup.cs looks like this:
This code will enable the serving of static files but not in the most efficient way. By default, no cache headers are used so the browser will request these files again and again, slowing your sites and putting more load on your server.
The good news is that it is very easy to change the static files registration code to enable browser caching. Here we set caching to a year:
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    OnPrepareResponse = (context) =>
        var headers = context.Context.Response.GetTypedHeaders();

        headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue
            Public = true,
            MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(365)


Caching can drastically reduce your costs and also provide a more responsive site for your customers. We looked at a number of different techniques from low level caching of data through to entire page caching at both the client and server. We discussed some gotchas to be aware of when adding caching to your applications and also explained about a few limitations when using the built-in response caching.
Next time, we'll take a look at writing our own response caching solution.

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